JR Farm Food Zwerghamster 500g
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Entdecken Sie die natürliche Ernährung mit JR Farm Food: Diese einzigartige Kombination einer ausgewogenen, mit Experten entwickelten Alleinfuttermischung mit mehr als 35 verschiedenen Saaten und vier hochwertigen, tierischen Proteinquellen bringt die ursprüngliche Ernährung Ihres Zwerghamsters zu Ihnen nach Hause. Der enthaltene Farm-Komplex unterstützt durch präbiotisches Inulin (aus der Wurzel der Pastinake) die Darmflora und Yucca-Extrakt vermindert die Geruchsbildung von Urin. Die Farm Food Rezeptur bietet alle zum Leben eines erwachsenen Tieres notwendigen Nährstoffe, Vitamine und Mineralien.
We calculate the shipping costs at a flat rate of €5.49. Shipping is free for orders over €50.
Delivery time
Delivery to Germany usually takes place within 2-4 working days after receipt of the order.
EU shipping
We calculate the shipping costs at a flat rate of €13.99.
Delivery time
Delivery to the EU usually takes place within 2-8 working days of receipt of the order.
International shipping
We calculate the shipping costs at a flat rate of €19.99.
Delivery time
Delivery to the EU usually takes place within 4-14 working days after receipt of the order.

About Us
Welcome to Knabberhaus – your expert for high-quality dog supplies! Our company is proud to offer a wide range of premium accessories for your four-legged friend, with a particular focus on quality chew toys.
At Knabberhaus we understand that dogs are not just pets, but members of the family. Therefore, our goal is to offer products that take into account not only the needs but also the preferences of your furry companion. Our range includes a diverse range of chew toys and dog supplies that not only provide hours of activity, but are also good for your dog.